What Is the Armstrong International Cultural Foundation?
The Armstrong International Cultural Foundation is a non-profit, humanitarian organization sponsored by the Philadelphia Church of God with executive offices located on the Herbert W. Armstrong campus in Edmond, Okla. The Armstrong International Cultural Foundation’s activities center around cultural enrichment at home in Oklahoma and abroad. Currently, the foundation’s goals are achieved through a series of performing arts concerts at Armstrong Auditorium in Edmond and archaeological excavations in Israel. The foundation provides volunteers for excavations conducted by Dr. Eilat Mazar in the city of Jerusalem. The foundation began in 1996 under the name Philadelphia Foundation, and has assisted the Al-Hussein Society in Amman, Jordan with volunteers to work with physically and mentally handicapped Jordanian children. The Foundation has also helped with the refurbishing of Liberty Bell Park in the heart of Jerusalem, a project Herbert W. Armstrong had started with Mayor Teddy Kollek. For more information about the foundation call 1-405-285-1010 or visit www.armstrongauditorium.org.